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Plants That Will Thrive In Your Oklahoma Garden

While a lot of homeowners started gardening due to the pandemic, a survey found that 86 percent of its participants actually planned to continue gardening.

So what if you’re just starting your garden? It can be fun, but also overwhelming if you don’t know what to plant. Luckily, we’re here to help you out. Oklahoma is home to several well-known garden influencers, including Linda Vater and Dee Nash. (And lifestyle maven Martha Stewart was recently in town and bought Eastern Redbud trees at the Stringer Nursery in Tulsa.) 

Our landscaper, Andy Zupan, offers his recommendations for plants that are easy to grow and do well in our Oklahoma climate! (Not every plant loves our clay soil and hot dry temps.) He’s included a mix of annuals and perennials, and a stunning variety of colors and textures. Any or all of these would make a great addition to any garden.

Read on to learn the best plants for your Oklahoma Garden.


1. Lamb’s Ear


Lamb’s ear, or Stachys, is a great perennial — especially if you have a bright & sunny yard. While it can thrive in the sun, it does better with afternoon shade during the hotter months. If your yard is prone to deer and rabbits, it will also hold up well against them. This plant’s flowers are soft and elongated, with silvery-gray foliage that resembles a lamb’s ear. It blooms light purple in summer, and it looks beautiful when paired with brighter annuals.


2. Coleus


With so many varieties, finding a coleus variation that fits your preference is easy to do. It is drought-tolerant and can handle bright amounts of light during hot summers. Since there are so many kinds of coleus, it pairs well with a lot of different plants, but looks especially great with native prairie plants


3. Lantana 


Lantana plants have a unique vine-like sprawling appearance from woody branches, making them popular to grow in outdoor hanging baskets or as ground covers. Lantana is known for its rounded clusters of small, brightly colored flowers that may be yellow, orange, white, red, pink, blue, or purple. Although they may act like a vine, they are classified by botanists as shrubs and are often used as border shrubs and as ground cover in areas with full sunshine in warm climates. Lantana plants like full sun and thrive in well-draining soil. 


4. Hosta


Hostas are a perfect option for shady gardens. Whether in-ground or in a container, these plants are tolerant of shaded areas but tend to prefer slightly sunny gardens whenever it is grown. It can be difficult to start from a seed, so it’s best to purchase them as a started plant or to acquire them as a cutting. Patience is also key with Hostas, as it can take up to three years for the plants to grow fully.


5. Daylilies


Daylilies are great for planting first thing in the spring or fall. Remember, however, to not plant them newly during the summer, as the hot temperatures on a developing root system can lead to root rot. Perfect for growing in full sun conditions, daylilies require at least weekly watering during dry spells; they prefer to live in moist conditions. But during the rainy season, you won’t have to water them yourself.


Some additional Oklahoma Garden Stars recommended by Linda Vater:







Tall Phlox 

Creeping Phlox 

Shasta Daisy 


And some to NEVER plant




Virginia Creeper

Trumpet Vine 


PLUS… Dee Nash’s Recommendations for Your OK Vegetable Garden 



Kales & Chards

Spring Onions 

Snow Peas

Assorted Herbs (Thyme, parsley, basil, sage, oregano, rosemary, mint) 


Summer Squash

Green Beans

Winter Squash/Pumpkins 







Ready to Get Started With Your Oklahoma Garden?


Now that we’ve gone over what’s best for your Oklahoma Garden, are you ready to get started? All the plants we’ve talked about are going to grow wonderfully in your yard, and they’re likely to attract butterflies and other types of wildlife.

If you’re moving into a new home, now is a great time to start planning your landscaping. Luckily, Beacon Homes can help you out! Contact us today to get started.


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